5 Easy Ways to Organize the Remote Workday

Many people are feeling the pressures of working from home. At home, our everyday distractions make it easy to lose focus. Luckily, here are some simple ways to help you stay motivated and organized, while working remote.


Plan Your Day with a To-Do List

When you know you’re going to have a busy day, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Start your day by writing down all you have to do. It will help plan out your day, and keep you organized. As you start to get things done, checking tasks off your list will give you a sense of accomplishment, which we all need throughout the day. Start with your “To-Do” list, and you’ll be organized and motivated throughout the day, with a clear sense of direction.


With the remote workday, technology plays a big role in making our lives easier, so be sure to take advantage of it. Creating smart sheets, calendar syncing, and scheduling zoom meetings in advance will help you and your team stay organized. At home, it can be difficult to keep track of time, so getting setting up alerts can also be a big help. Using technology will help you stay connected with co-workers, and make sure you are all on the same page, regarding what needs to get done and when.


Manage your energy. Start your days by doing the things that require high energy. By doing so, you can end your day with easier tasks that require less of your energy. It is important to recognize your energy levels at home, in order to stay productive. By prioritizing the day based on energy, you are giving yourself the best possible chance to succeed in any given task. That said, if you start to get too tired or unmotivated, it’s best to stop and take a break.

Take Breaks

It’s easy to lose track of time at home, and while working, through the day. Taking periodic breaks for stretching, going for a walk, or a quick workout will help re-energize and put you back in motivation mode. Breaks are important not only important for productivity, but they are essential for mental health. It’s easy to overwork oneself, especially at home, when a day may feel like it never ends. Just a few quick breaks will make your workday more gratifying.

Creating Space

When working from home, it is important to keep one’s workspace and home space separated. Designate a spot to work in. If you don’t have a home office, try setting aside a spot at your dining room table, away from where you go to relax. It can be hard to differentiate work time versus home time, but by getting ready for work as usual, and going to a different location in your home, it will feel a little more like a regular workday. Create an environment where a work day can officially “start.” Having a separate workspace will also keep you more organized, especially if it is a long-term space, so that you are less likely to misplace important work. Staying in your bedroom or living space can breed distractions. Once your day is complete, you can them leave the designated work space to theĀ  couch, bedroom, or outdoors to relax and unwind.

Remote working is different for everyone, and it is important to find what works for you, to keep up your energy, motivation, and organization.

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