Accessibility in the Workplace

Did you know that in 2020 17.9% of people with disabilities were employed in the workforce? This number dropped from 19.3% in 2019. There are many different misconceptions surrounding the term “disabled.” The fact is, when put in an accepting work environment with the proper tools and techniques available, disabled persons are an integral part to any company. Regardless of a person’s disability, they deserve accessibility and comfort within the workplace. Continue reading to better your business and create a more accessible environment for all.

Let’s Start with the Physical

A great starting point is to make your workplace more physically inclusive. For instance, including ramps, disabled only parking spaces, and easily accessible bathrooms are simple changes to make the workplace more accessible to people with physical impairments.

Assistive Technology

Along with the larger physical barriers, many disabled people have issues with the more minute tasks in the workplace. Although, simple tools can easily change this. Utilizing assistive technology such as braille or enlarged keyboards, sign-language technologies, speech recognition, etc. will enable people with visual or hearing disabilities to carry out their day-to-day tasks with ease.

Stay Informed

Like many other things, information regarding disabilities is ever-changing. For this reason, it is important to stay up to date with new ways to improve physical accessibility as well as ensure that the workplace is socially current in regards to focusing on the mental health and the well-being of disabled persons. To do so, make sure that both you and your employees are educated on how to interact with people with disabilities (avoid stares, for example). You could also consider getting the help of a professional in the industry on the changing rules and etiquette.

Inclusivity and accessibility helps your business productivity, talent, and customer base, while helping others. Make a difference and include all.

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