Tips for Self-Publishing Authors

Writing a book is a great way to establish yourself, proving credibility in a specific area. Authors are oftentimes perceived as instant subject matter experts. If you have always dreamed of writing and publishing your own book, we have some tips to help you become established as an expert in your field.

Website and Social Media Platforms
Undeniably, having a strong website and equally well thought out social media platforms can help you establish yourself as credible in your given field. For jewelers, for example, sharing posts about the jewelry industry can improve to your follower numbers, while showing readers  you are knowledgeable about a variety of topics. LinkedIn is a great resource as well. In our previous article “Using LinkedIn For Your Jewelry Business” we explain how to use the platform to position yourself.

Get an Amazon Author Page
If you are self-publishing, Amazon is likely your main source for sales. That said, don’t just sell. Take it a step further and set up your own Author Page on Use your Author page to provide more information for your readers: a detailed description of your book, share upcoming events, upload pictures, add links to your website and anything else that helps people get to know you better. An Amazon Author page will help you climb up Google rankings, additionally letting you add a preview of your book to your book’s sales page.

Understand Your Target Market
When self-publishing, it is important to understand your audience. Make sure that you publish and promote under the right categories, and that you reach the right people. Once you fully understand who your audience is, it becomes easier to write about things that they are interested in. Cover a variety of topics that interest them, and prove your in-depth knowledge and understanding of the jewelry industry.

If you want help getting the word out about a book you are about to launch, be sure to Contact Pietra Communications at We work with with authors to get their books and audiobooks in the hands of the right reviewers, and to the right trade and consumer press, to make sure book launches makes a splash.

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