Creating a Vision Board for your Business

Do you have a lot of big ideas for your business, but don’t know where to start? A good place to start may be by making a vision board. Get all the thoughts and plans you have for your business out of your head and on the board. But what goes on a vision board?


Know What You Want
Before you can make a vison board it’s important for you to know what you want your business to look like. Think or short- and long-term goals you have, what your ideal workday is, what makes the perfect client, or what do you want your office to be like. After a quick brainstorm it’s time to start putting it on your vision board. Now you can decide how you want to make your vision bored, a digital vision board or a physical vision board?

Digital Vision Board
You can make a digital vision board by using PowerPoint, Canva, or any photo editing website that is fairly simple to use. By having a digital vision board you’ll be able to edit it whenever a thought pops in your head. You’ll also be able to look at it for inspiration on the go, wherever you are.

Physical Vision Board
Your physical vision board can be made on a poster board, poster paper, or even a wall in your office or home. With a physical vision board, you may be able to add more to it and continue to add and grow it with out losing space. Also, by keeping your old visions up you can track and see how your vision may be changing. However, it is clearly not as portable as a digital vision board.

Meaningful Images
Try to find pictures that represent what you want for your business. These images can be sketches, pictures, or mind maps; really anything that has meaning to you. For example, if you hope to make your business international, you may put a plane flying around a globe. Or if you want to have an open office put a picture of an office space you admire. Get creative and make it meaningful.

Inspiring Quotes
A vision board doesn’t have to be all pictures. You can pick quotes that may have inspired your vison for the business. You could even include messages from someone you look up to that really motivate you. Write down your own thoughts and missions as motivation and inspiration. Having these quotes will help to remind you of your “why” when looking at your vision board.

A vision board is unique to you, therefore you can put whatever you’d like on it and really personalize it. Vision boards are a fun and creative way to set your goals and help you achieve them. You want your vision board to drive your motivation and inspiration so look to make the images as relatable to your personal mission and goals for your business.

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