Special Virtual Education Conference by NAJA
The National Association of Jewelry Appraisers (NAJA) announces its Special Virtual Conference – Appraisal Issues with Antique & Period Jewelry to be held on October 17, 2020.
The appraisal organization dedicated exclusively to gems and jewelry presents an outstanding program to assist the professional appraiser’s continuing education.
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Pricing and Market Characteristics of Old Cut Diamonds
Stuart Robertson, GIA GG
It’s All About the Comps – Appraising Antique Jewelry
Gail Brett Levine, GIA GG
19th Century Surfaces Techniques
Deborah Finleon, GIA GG
Manufacturing Techniques of Jewelry Through History and the Influence of Those Techniques on Value
Michael Johnson, GIA GG
The Challenge of Appraising Vintage Rolex Watches
Craig Lynch, GIA GG
Era and Period Dating Clues for Appraisal Detectives: Visible Evidence of Manufacture That Impact Your Appraisal Work
David Atlas, GIA GG
To retrieve a conference brochure go to http://najaappraisers.com/html/conferences.html or for further information contact Gail Brett Levine, GG, Executive Director, National Association of Jewelry Appraisers, 718.896-1536, f. 718-997-9057, naja.appraisers@netzero.net, www.NAJAappraisers.com.